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  • Views: 748
  • Account ID: Sanaa5787
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  • Last Modified: July 14, 2023

@William Ochieng Okumu

William Ochieng Okumu
  • First name : William
  • Last name : Ochieng
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : Kenya
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  • First name : William
  • Last name : Ochieng
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : Kenya
William Ochieng Okumu

A motivated, committed and talented actor with strong acting instincts and extensive formal training. I possess a solid work ethic which compels me to keep tweaking an acting part until both my colleagues and I are fully satisfied with my performance. I am committed to achieving the highest standard of performance and is always willing to listen and learn from others. William also doubles up as a writer and director.


Related Training.

Theatre Company -(2019) writer’s workshop

British Council -(2019) Creative Enterprise Program

Dramaturge - (2015 - 2017): University of Alberta & Ignite Afrika Trust

Den Agri Cultural foundation - Mask theatre (2013, 2014, 2015)

National Youth talent Academy -(2010 Dec- 2011 Aug, unicef & GoK) Film and Theatre

Feature films

  1. Amollo -2022(Oyoo) Director Nick Adongo.
  2.  Bangarang (Netflix)-2021 (Chalo) Director Robin Odongo & Gilbert Lukalia
  3.  Strings (A theatrical dance feature) - 2021 co writer/ Director
  4. Angel’s of Nyalnda - 2017 (Production Manager) Director, Joyce Arigi

TV Series

Aunty Boss -(police - extra) NTV

Short film

  1. I meet him on Facebook - (2019) co- writer, director, producer -LASER ARTS / BORAN IMAGING
  2. Blacksheep - (2019) writer, director, producer - LASER ARTS/ BORAN IMAGING
  3. Thoughts - (2018} Writer , Director, Producer - BOW MEDIA GROUP

Stage plays.

  1.  Overdose -(2019) Director - LASER ARTS
  2.  Eat and Run - (2019) Director - LASER ARTS
  3. Funeral Madness -(2019) Writer, Director - LASER ARTS
  4. Faithful’s that Prey -(2018) Director, Actor - LASER ART
  5. Till Scam do us part - (2018)Writer, Director - LASER ARTS
  6. Kwe Kaliet, Lwanda Magere Revisited - (2017) co - writer/Dramaturge,actor - IGNITE AFRIKATRUST, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA(Canada), KULE INSTITUTE, AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY
  7. Twisted love (2016) actor - LASER ARTS
  8. Kisumu Made in China - (2016) - LASER ARTS
  9. Kingdom under siege - (2016) producer- LASER ARTS & YAWA DANCE COMPANY
  10. The back valentine (2015) actor - LASER ARTS
  11. Easter Gone Mad-(2015) actor - LASER ARTS
  12. Petals of Roses -(2015) actor - LASER ARTS
  13. Monkey Business- (2015) actor - LASER ARTS & TALENT INDUSTRY LTD
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